
Sanosil PX urine smell remover - Remove urine odour permanently

Urine smell remover is a widely searched for term. Urine smells are extremely offensive and objectionable – whether they occur after a summer street party, in public toilets, care homes or animal husbandry. Find out here how to remove urine smell.

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What causes urine odour and how can it be removed with a urine smell remover?

A urine smell remover is the best solution for this problem. Urine is made up mostly of water with traces of salts, urea and urobilin, which gives urine its yellow colour. Animal urine (particularly cat urine) also contains concentrated odorants used to demarcate territory and propagate (attractant). Fresh urine does not smell very much, but contact with the air and bacteria result in the urea being broken down into ammonia by enzymes or hydrolysis. This is the source of the typically awful urine odour, which must be neutralised using a urine odor remover.

An insidious aspect of urine is that it can penetrate deeply into porous surfaces, where it degrades rather slowly. As a result, the foetid stench of urine in subways, underground stations and public toilets is continuously regenerated and remains present for a long time. Washing the surfaces with detergents or disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite or bleach has little effect (if any at all). It is practically impossible to get rid of the smell of urine this way.

Why does urine odour linger so persistently in public toilets, even when they are cleaned regularly?

Public toilets are particularly notorious for obtrusive urine odour. Urinals generally are affected in particular. Why? Well, men tend to overestimate their abilities quite a lot when tipsy. Instead of taking a step towards the bowl as the pressure declines, they stay where they are – resulting in a tidy amount of urine splashing onto the floor in front of the toilet or urinal.

Toilet floors and walls are often tiled to make cleaning easier, but unfortunately the grouting between the tiles is often very absorbent. It absorbs droplets of urine, which are then transported deep into the grouting and underneath the tiles by capillary action. As stated previously, the urine is then broken down into ammonia via hydrolysis, which causes the urine odour. In this case, it is clear that even thorough cleaning won’t remove the urine components and thus the source of the smell.

Urine smell remover for upholstery, carpets or parquet floors

Now and again, pets such as cats and dogs are known to urinate on the floor. As illustrated in the example with the toilets, the floor or upholstery may absorb the urine and then begin to stink. A pet urine odour remover is the only solution. Cat urine in particular, which is far more ‚concentrated‘ than dog urine (here a dog urine odour remover can help), also contains strong-smelling pheromones. This calls for a cat urine smell remover. The smell of urine is thus a serious and prevalent problem for many pet owners and breeders. Therefore, a good pet urine odor remover is necessary in every household with pets.

Removing urine odour from carpets – with a special urine odor remover : carpet – is an easier task than getting it out of upholstery. And whereas carpets and, possibly, upholstery can be treated with a dry-foam extractor, which will remove most of the urine components (the source of the urine odour one wants to neutralise), parquet floors are a different matter entirely. Like tiles, they feature grooves and cracks into which the urine can seep, making it nearly impossible to remove urine smell. Cleaning the surfaces becomes a futile endeavour.

Sanosil PX urine smell remover: highly effective in neutralising urine odour

One solution for getting rid of urine odour is the urine smell remover Sanosil PX. Unlike many household remedies used to remove urine smell with little to no success, animal and human urine odor remover Sanosil PX does get rid of the sources of the odour. It accomplishes this with a range of odour-eliminating substances, such as enzymes. They effectively combat the sources of the smells and prevent urine odour from developing.

Sanosil PX urine odor remover is easy to use. A 10–20% concentration is mixed with warm water and applied to the sites of urine odour. A UV lamp helps make hidden traces of urine visible. Sanosil PX urine odour remover is highly effective against urine odour when it comes into direct contact with the components of urine – the difficulty lies in bringing Sanosil PX into direct contact with urine which has already seeped into material. It may be necessary to soak a surface with PX urine smell remover solution repeatedly, until all grooves and pores are saturated. It is possible to neutralise even persistent urine odour.

Sanosil PX odor neutralizer for human urine can also be used preventatively. This method involves spraying building entrances, subways, building walls at critical spots and so on with a PX solution. A deposit of the active component is built up within the walls. When urine comes into contact with it, it gets broken down before it can penetrate deep into the structure, effectively preventing urine odour.

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