
2.4. What are the main reasons for the safety of silver in the Sanosil disinfectant?
FAQ Overview

  • Silver is a noble metal and, like gold and copper, one of the heavy metals.
  • Like everything else, at a high enough dose silver can be poisonous. But to poison yourself with the silver contained in Sanosil, is impossible in case of professional application
  • To poison yourself with the amount of silver in Sanosil, you would need to drink 3 litres of water containing 20 ppm Sanosil per day for about 910 years.
  • For someone weighing 70 kg, the EPA considers an intake of 0.35 mg of silver per day to be safe. That corresponds to 5 litres of water containing 20 ppm Sanosil or 3.5 litres containing 30 ppm Sanosil.
  • A litre of water containing 20 ppm Sanosil contains less silver than a litre of American milk. Consequently, no environment agency has ever banned the discharge of coolant water treated with Sanosil into surface water.
  • By a surface disinfection with Sanosil, silver remains as a slight residue, and sticks very hard on it. This residue can only be removed by mechanical cleaning. It is impossible that this silver is detached from the surface by itself as dust or vapor and float in the air. A cummulation of the silver strains by repeated spray-and-wipe applications is also not possible.
  • Silver residues on a square metre surface cold fogged with Sanosil weigh less than a grain of salt or 1/10 amount of vitamin C in a lemon.